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Auto Macro Monk/Champion Skills

Here a Guide for all that want to use Vigor Absorbtion on Different Monsters, it will work for all!

I will even avoid the problems that monsters like Goat's are makeing (cuz they attack you after absorbing!)

Absorbing Geographer (Or all other Immobile targets)

Absorbing Geographers with Vigor Absorbtion is Simple.

You just need to add the following Skill Block in your Openkore config.txt in your conf/ folder.

attackSkillSlot Vigor Absorption {
    lvl 1
    dist 9,8,7,6,5,4
    sp < 80%
    monsters Geographer
    aggressives 0
    maxAttempts 99
    maxUses 5

What does this skill block do? * It uses Vigor Absorbtion on geographers if certain conditions are meet: o

If your distance to the target is 4-9 cells away (The geo wont touch you) o
If your SP is under 80% o
If there are no aggressive monsters attacking you (This makes sure you are not dyeing while aborbting or not loosing HP o
Use it maximum 5 times

!I will edit this post later to add how to absorb Goats and teleport away!
Credit : ro.ebi-world.com
Vigor Condensation/ Summon Spirit Sphere

useSelf_skill Vigor Condensation {
lvl 5
sp > 20
spirit <5    notWhileSitting 0    notInTown 0    disabled 0 }    Infiltration/Occult Impaction  Code: attackSkillSlot Infiltration {    lvl 5    spirit > 2
dist 1
sp > 20%
Finger Offensive/Throw Spirit Sphere

attackSkillSlot Finger Offensive {
lvl 3
spirit >4
dist 1
sp >20%

useSelf_skill Vigor Explosion {
sp > 95%
whenStatusInactive Vigor Explosion

attackComboSlot Chain Combo{
afterSkill Triple Attack
isSelfSkill 1
maxUses 1

attackComboSlot Combo Finish{
afterSkill Chain Combo
isSelfSkill 1
maxUses 1

attackComboSlot Glacier Fist{
afterSkill Combo Finish
isSelfSkill 1
maxUses 1

attackComboSlot Chain Crush Combo{
afterSkill Glacier Fist
isSelfSkill 1
maxUses 1
Vigor Condensation/Dangerous Soul Collect/Vigor Absorption

useSelf_skill Dangerous Soul Collect {
lvl 1
maxCastTime 0
minCastTime 0
dist 6
spirit < 4    stopWhenHit 0    notWhileSitting 0    notInTown 1    timeout 0    disabled 0 }  useSelf_skill Vigor Absorption {    lvl 1    maxCastTime 0    minCastTime 0    hp    sp <= 60%    spirit > 4
stopWhenHit 1
inLockOnly 0
notWhileSitting 0
notInTown 0
timeout 0
disabled 0

useSelf_skill Vigor Condensation {
lvl 5
maxCastTime 0
minCastTime 0
sp >= 10%
spirit < 5    aggressives < 1# remove aggressives if you want to cast it when it's attacking    stopWhenHit 1    inLockOnly 0    notWhileSitting 0    notInTown 0    disabled 1 }   Finger Offensive/Infiltration:  Code: attackSkillSlot Finger Offensive {    lvl 5    dist 10    maxCastTime 0    minCastTime 0    sp > 10%
spirit > 3
stopWhenHit 0
inLockOnly 0
notInTown 1
timeout 2.5

attackSkillSlot Infiltration {
lvl 5
dist 1.5
spirit > 0
inLockOnly 0
notInTown 0
disabled 0
monsters #put name of monster here
maxAttempts 0
maxUses 0
isSelfSkill 0
manualAI 0

####Monk Champion####

useSelf_skill Vigor Explosion {
sp > 95%
whenStatusInactive Vigor Explosion

attackComboSlot Chain Combo{
afterSkill Triple Attack
isSelfSkill 1
maxUses 1

attackComboSlot Combo Finish{
afterSkill Chain Combo
isSelfSkill 1
maxUses 1

attackComboSlot Glacier Fist{
afterSkill Combo Finish
isSelfSkill 1
maxUses 1

attackComboSlot Chain Crush Combo{
afterSkill Glacier Fist
isSelfSkill 1
maxUses 1

Macro from karlosmatias:

Asura Boost
The objective of this macro is to use/equip the best items right before you hit asura on enemy, in order to raise asura's dmg. In this example i used Aloevera, that increases your atk power. So, if you're not under Provoke status, openkore will use Aloevera before Asura hits the enemy (not tested in a instant cast server).
Of course you can change the items or change equips. I wouldn't recommend to change headgear 'cause other players could notice that.

automacro boost_a {
    exclusive 1
    console /Você está conjurando Extremity Fist/
# change the msg above with the msg that appears in your console/language when you cast asura
    status not Provoke
    run-once 1
    call boost_m

macro boost_m {
    do is @inventory(Aloevera)
    release boost_a

Hope some ppl will Post more here, maybe I will find some more on epvp :P

these work if i want to dispell someone who tries to EF me?

useSelf_skill [vigor Explosion] {
lvl 5
maxCastTime 0.1
whenStatusInactive vigor Explosion

automacro srt {
console "You have 0 spirit(s) now"
call soul
run-once 0
macro soul {
do ss 401
release srt

automacro boost {
spirit > 1
status not Vigor Explosion
run-once 1
call boost_m

macro boost_m {
do ss 270
release boost_a

bcos useselfskills cast (change timeout)very slow than macro plugins.can give me some advise.thank you.

You can use the normal selfskill block in the config.txt
If you want to run command after command as fast as possible put them in [ ]

you mean is:
useSelf_skill [vigor Explosion] {
lvl 5
maxCastTime 0.1
minCastTime 0
whenStatusInactive vigor Explosion
spirit > 1
stopWhenHit 0
inLockOnly 0
notWhileSitting 0
notInTown 0
timeout 0
disabled 0
manualAI 0
you can also try this

useSelf_skill [vigor Explosion] {
lvl 5
maxCastTime 0.1
whenStatusInactive vigor Explosion

the [] are just for macros.
But yes i mean this.

useSelf_skill vigor Explosion {
lvl 5
maxCastTime 0.1
whenStatusInactive vigor Explosion

ที่มา http://forums.openkore.com/viewtopic.php?t=30&f=6




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