1 ms = 1/1,000 s (หนึ่งในพันของหนึ่งวินาที)
1,000 ms = 1s (หนึ่งวินาที)
ดีเลย์ระหว่างสกิล 0ระยะเวลา 1s (วินาที)
ดีเลย์ระหว่างสกิล 0 ระยะเวลา 240 s (วินาที)
ดีเลย์ระหว่างสกิล 423msระยะเวลา 240 s (วินาที)
ดีเลย์ระหว่างสกิล 1610msระยะเวลา 60 s (วินาที)
ดีเลย์ระหว่างสกิล 0
ระยะเวลา30 s (วินาที)
ดีเลย์ระหว่างสกิล 3sระยะเวลา 60 s (วินาที)
ดีเลย์ระหว่างสกิล 1208msระยะเวลา 100 s (วินาที)
ดีเลย์ระหว่างสกิล 1692ระยะเวลา 60 s (วินาที)
Acolyte Skills :
useSelf_skill Heal {
lvl 1
hp <> 10
useSelf_skill Heal {
lvl 1
hp < 80
sp > 20
inLockOnly 1
notWhileSitting 0
timeout 2
disabled 0
useSelf_skill Heal {
lvl 10
hp < 50%
sp > 10%
Increase AGI
useSelf_skill Increase AGI
lvl 10
whenStatusInactive Increase AGI
sp > 10%
timeout 5
useSelf_skill Blessing {
lvl 10
whenStatusInactive Blessing
sp > 10%
timeout 5
useSelf_skill Ruwach {
lvl 1
whenStatusInactive Ruwach
sp > 10%
timeout 10
useSelf_skill Angelus {
lvl 10
whenStatusInactive Angelus
sp > 10%
timeout 5
useSelf_skill Cure {
lvl 1
whenStatusActive Cursed, Blinded, Chaos, Silenced
sp > 10%
timeout 5
Holy Light
attackSkillSlot Holy Light {
lvl 1
sp > 10%
Decrease AGI
attackSkillSlot Decrease AGI {
lvl 10
sp > 10%
maxAttempts 5
maxUses 1
partySkill Heal {
lvl 5
target_hp < 70%
sp > 10 %
partySkill Blessing {
lvl 10
sp > 64
notInTown 1
timeout 3
target_whenStatusInactive Blessing
target_timeout 240
Increase AGI
partySkill Increase AGI {
lvl 10
sp > 45
notInTown 0
timeout 3
target_whenStatusInactive Increase AGI
target_timeout 240
partySkill Angelus {
lvl 10
sp > 45
notInTown 1
timeout 3
target_whenStatusInactive Angelus
target_timeout 240
isSelfSkill 1
partySkill Cure {
lvl 1
target_whenStatusActive Cursed, Blinded, Chaos, Silenced
sp > 10%
timeout 5
Priest/High Priest Skills
Kyrie Eleison
useSelf_skill Kyrie Eleison {
lvl 10
sp > 45
stopWhenHit 1
notWhileSitting 1
notInTown 1
timeout 5
whenStatusInactive Kyrie Eleison
useSelf_skill Assumptio {
lvl 10
sp > 20%
stopWhenHit 1
notWhileSitting 1
notInTown 1
timeout 5
disabled 1
whenStatusInactive Assumtio
useSelf_skill Magnificat {
lvl 5
sp > 45
stopWhenHit 1
notWhileSitting 1
notInTown 1
timeout 5
whenStatusInactive Magnificat
Party Skills :
Kyrie Eleison
partySkill Kyrie Eleison {
lvl 10
sp > 45
stopWhenHit 1
notWhileSitting 1
notInTown 1
timeout 5
disabled 1
target_whenStatusInactive Kyrie Eleison
target_timeout 240
partySkill Magnificat {
lvl 3
stopWhenHit 1
timeout 10
whenStatusInactive Magnificat
partyAggressives < 1
isSelfSkill 1
partySkill Resurrection {
lvl 4
target_dead 1
Impositio Manus
partySkill Impositio Manus {
lvl 10
sp > 25
notInTown 1
timeout 3
disabled 0
target_whenStatusInactive Impositio Manus
target_timeout 60
Status Recovery
partySkill Status Recovery {
lvl 10
sp > 25
timeout 2
target_whenStatusActive Frozen, Stone Curse, Stun
partySkill Aspersio {
lvl 5
sp > 25
timeout 2
target_whenStatusInactive Aspersio
inInventory Holy Water
partySkill Suffragium {
lvl 3
sp > 25
timeout 8
target_whenStatusInactive Suffragium
notInTown 1
partySkill Assumptio {
lvl 10
sp > 20%
stopWhenHit 1
notWhileSitting 1
notInTown 1
timeout 5
disabled 1
target_whenStatusInactive Assumtio
target_timeout 98
useSelf_skill Gloria {
lvl 10
sp > 25
whenStatusInactive Gloria
timeout 28
automacro warp {
map gef_fild07
inventory “Blue Gemstone” > 0
call {
do ai manual
pause 1
do move 319 187
do sl 27 316 188
pause 2
do warp 1
pause 1
do move 316 188
do ai on
timeout 20
this macro auto-cast warp portal on place that no one standing...
good for support on town and warping parties on WoE
automacro Warping {
console /\[dist=(.*)\] (.*) \((\d+)\): (.*)warp(1|2|3|4)(.*)$/
run-once 1
# class 4, 8, 23, 4005, 4009, 15, 4016
call {
if (@invamount(Blue Gemstone) == 0) goto nogem
$dist = $.lastMatch1
if ($dist > 6) stop
$warpslot = $.lastMatch5
$posx = @rand (1,7)
$posy = @rand (1,7)
$cellIsFull = 0
do eval $::Macro::Data::varStack{cellIsFull} = 0;foreach (@{$::playersList->getItems()}) { next if (($_->{pos_to}{x} != $posx) || ($_->{pos_to}{y} != $posy));$::Macro::Data::varStack{cellIsFull} = 1; last;}
if ($cellIsFull == 1) goto loop
$mex = @arg ("$.pos", 1)
$mey = @arg ("$.pos", 2)
$herex = @eval ($mex + $posx)
$herey = @eval ($mey + $posy)
do sl 27 $herex $herey
timeout 3
do warp $warpslot
release Warping
do c no gem
release Warping
this macro buff and resu other within distance of 5
automacro SupportOthers {
console /\[dist=(.*)\] (.*) \((\d+)\): \*baps|buffs buf|buff|blesing|heal|hela|bap|bup|hel\*$/
status Blessing
status Increase AGI
sp > 30%
run-once 1
timeout 30
exclusive 1
call {
$dist = $.lastMatch1
if ($dist > 6) stop
$name = $.lastMatch2
$PlayerID = $.lastMatch3
do sp 28 $PlayerID 10
do sp 34 $PlayerID 10
do sp 29 $PlayerID 10
do sp 361 $PlayerID 10
log Finish macro: SupportOthers at $.datetime
release SupportOthers
automacro SupportDead {
console /\[dist=(.*)\] (.*) \((\d+)\): \*resu|ress\*$/
status Blessing
status Increase AGI
sp > 30%
run-once 1
timeout 30
exclusive 1
call {
if (@invamount(Blue Gemstone) == 0) goto nogem
$dist = $.lastMatch1
if ($dist > 6) stop
$name = $.lastMatch2
$PlayerID = $.lastMatch3
do sp 54 $PlayerID 10
log Finish macro: SupportDead at $.datetime
do c บลูหมดอะ
release SupportDead
automacro res {
pubm /res/i <<< เมื่อมีคนพิมพ์ res (พิมพ์แบบ ทั่วไปนะ)
call {
do sp "Resurrection" $.lastpub 4 <<< ตรง lastpub 4 คือเลเวลของสกิลนะ
automacro support {
pubm /sup/i
call {
do sp 34 $.lastpub 10 <<< sp 34 คือสกิล Blessing นะครับ ดูได้จาก table/skills.txt
pause 2
do sp 29 $.lastpub 10 <<< sp 29 คือสกิล IncreaseAGI
pause 2
do sp 361 $.lastpub 5 <<< sp 361 คือสกิล Assumptio
pause 3
do sp 66 $.lastpub 5 <<< sp 66 คือสกิล Impositio Manus
automacro san {
pubm /san/i
call {
$foobegin = $.pos <<< คำสั่งตัวนี้ สั่งให้ใช้สกิลไปที่ จุดยืนของผู้สั่ง
pause 1
do sl 70 @random ("south", "north", "east", "west")
do sp 70
pause 2
do sl 70 @random ("south", "north", "east", "west")
do sp 70
pause 2 do sl 70 @random ("south", "north", "east", "west")
do sp 70
Warp Seller v1.2
1. Create a recorder.txt inside control folder
2. Set macro_delay 2.0 in your timeouts.txt
3. Change the chatroom title in automacro a, b, f.
4. Change the price you want in automacro d -> $a = "a number".
5. Change the price you want in automacro e -> $a = "a number" like automacro d.
6. Change the warp point recorder in macro warp1, warp2, warp3, warp4. [Optional]
7. Change the map name in macro warp1, warp2, warp3, warp4 -> do warp "the map name". <-- Only if you want to sell warp to different maps~!
#------------------Warp Seller Macro v1.2 by Se7eN-------------------
# Note: Make sure your character is in Payon Town before running the macro.
# Added storageAuto sequence.
automacro a {
delay 3
console /Not allowed other player view Equipment/
call {
do ignore 1 all
if (@invamount (Blue Gemstone) == 0) goto qk
pause 3
do chat create "Ice-1.5K|Geo-2K|Mosco-2.5K" 2 0 siyete
# A, B, C, D = Chatroom title
pause 1
do sit
lock a
lock b
lock c
lock d
lock e
lock f
do chat create "Out of Order" 2 0 siyete
do sit
automacro b {
console /(.*?) \(level (\d*)\) Requests a Deal/
call {
do deal
$name = $.lastMatch1
do chat modify "$name Exact Amount Please~!!" 2 0 siyete
pause 1
do pm "$name" "Ice-1.5K|Geo-2K|Mosco-2.5K"
pause 10
# Cancel the deal in x seconds if the buyer no action
do deal no
automacro c {
console /^(.*) added Item to Deal: (.*) x (.*)$/i
call {
if ($.lastMatch2 != "Blue Gemstone") goto end
#Cancel the deal in x seconds if the buyer no action after put on Blue Gemstone
pause 10
do deal no
# Cancel the deal if the buyer put on the items
do deal no
automacro d {
console /(.*) added (.*) z to Deal/
call {
$a = $.lastMatch2
if ($a = 1,500) goto bb
if ($a = 2,000) goto bb
if ($a = 2,500) goto bb
# $a = ".*" = The price you want to sell
pause 2
# Cancel the deal if the gained zeny != the price you sell
do deal no
pause 1
do deal
pause 1
do deal
#Cancel the deal in x seconds if the buyer no action after put on the zeny
pause 10
do deal no
automacro e {
console /^You gained (.+?) zeny.$/
call {
lock b
lock d
do chat leave
$a = $.lastMatch1
if ($a = 1,500) goto a1
if ($a = 2,000) goto b2
if ($a = 2,500) goto c3
#$a = ".*" = The price you want to sell
call warp1
call warp2
call warp3
release all
macro warp1 {
do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE "ICE-1500 \n"; close FILE;
# The record will record airplane's operation condition,this is the warp point one -> A
# And so no B, C, D...
$aa1 = @Invamount (Blue Gemstone)
# Check the number of the bluestone "before" warp
$x = @arg("$.pos", 1)
$y = @arg("$.pos", 2)
$x0 = @eval($x + @rand(1,3))
$x1 = @eval($x - @rand(1,3))
$y0 = @eval($y - @rand(1,3))
do sl 27 @random("$x0", "$x1") $y0
pause 2
do warp ra_fild01
# map a = ra_fild01
# pause 1
# do c Ice Dungeon's Map Opened.
pause 2
$aa2 = @Invamount (Blue Gemstone)
# Check the number of the bluestone "after" warp
if ($aa1 == $aa2) goto ax
# If the number of bluestone before warp match that of after warp then regarding as failed, goto :ax
do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE "ICE-1500 (Failed) \n"; close FILE;
# If failed to open the warp,it will print "A-2000 (Failed)" ,that you will know maybe you should change the position
# And so no B, C, D...
pause 2
do c Failed to open
do c Just try again
call axx
# Run macro axx
macro axx {
call warp1
# Run macro warp1
# And so on..
macro warp2 {
do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE "GEO-2000 \n"; close FILE;
$bb1 = @Invamount (Blue Gemstone)
$x = @arg("$.pos", 1)
$y = @arg("$.pos", 2)
$x0 = @eval($x + @rand(1,3))
$x1 = @eval($x - @rand(1,3))
$y0 = @eval($y - @rand(1,3))
do sl 27 @random("$x0", "$x1") $y0
pause 2
do warp ein_fild07
# map c = ein_fild07
# pause 1
# do c Geographer's Map Opened.
pause 2
$bb2 = @Invamount (Blue Gemstone)
if ($bb1 == $bb2) goto bx
do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE "GEO-2000 (Failed) \n"; close FILE;
pause 2
do c Failed to open
do c Just try again
call bxx
macro bxx {
call warp2
macro warp3 {
do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE "MOSCO-2500 \n"; close FILE;
$cc1 = @Invamount (Blue Gemstone)
$x = @arg("$.pos", 1)
$y = @arg("$.pos", 2)
$x0 = @eval($x + @rand(1,3))
$x1 = @eval($x - @rand(1,3))
$y0 = @eval($y - @rand(1,3))
do sl 27 @random("$x0", "$x1") $y0
pause 2
do warp mosk_fild02
# map b = mosk_fild02
# pause 1
# do c Moscovia's Map Opened.
pause 2
$cc2 = @Invamount (Blue Gemstone)
if ($cc1 == $cc2) goto cx
do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE MOSCO-2500 (Failed) \n"; close FILE;
pause 2
do c Failed to open
do c Just try again
call cxx
macro cxx {
call warp3
automacro f {
console /You opened Warp Portal on \((.*), (.*)\)/
call {
do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE "-------------- \n"; close FILE;
do c @random("Thank You !!","Maraming Salamat !!","Salamat !!","Ingat po !!","Good Luck !!")
if (@invamount (Blue Gemstone) == 0) goto qk
pause 3
do chat create "Ice-1.5K|Geo-2K|Mosco-2.5K" 2 0 siyete
release b
release d
pause 3
do sit
lock a
lock b
lock c
lock d
lock e
lock f
do chat create "Out of Order" 2 0 siyete
do sit
automacro debugA {
console /(.*) \((\d+)\): You gained (.*) zeny./i
priority 1
call {
$i = $.lastMatch2
if ("$i" != "") goto ok
release all
automacro debugB {
console /(From: (.*)) : You gained (.*) zeny./i
priority 1
call {
$i = $.lastMatch2
if ("$i" != "") goto ok
release all
automacro dealcancelled {
console /^Deal Cancelled$/i
delay 2
call {
do chat modify "Ice-1.5K|Geo-2K|Mosco-2.5K" 2 0 siyete
do sit
release all
If you're having trouble opening a chat room
in your config.txt try setting your "sitAuto_idle 0 --> 1"
then in your macros.txt change:
console /Not allowed other player view Equipment/
and replace with this:
console /You are sitting/
Selling Warp Macro (OpenKore)
automacro a {
delay 3
console /Not allowed other player view Equipment/i
call {
if (@invamount (Blue Gemstone) == 0) goto qk
pause 3
do chat create "S>A-2K|B-2.5K|C-3K|D-3.5K" 2 0 neverfindthis
# A, B, C, D = Chatroom title
pause 1
do sit
lock a
lock b
lock c
lock d
lock e
lock f
do sit
automacro b {
console /(.*?) \(level (\d*)\) Requests a Deal/
call {
do deal
pause 15
# Cancel the deal in 15 seconds if the buyer no action
do deal no
do e pif
automacro c {
console /(.*) added Item to Deal: (.*)/
call {
# Cancel the deal if the buyer put on the items
do deal no
do e omg
automacro d {
console /(.*) added (.*) z to Deal/
call {
$a = $.lastMatch2
if ($a = 1) goto bb # payon
if ($a = 2) goto bb # Eich (Geo)
if ($a = 3) goto bb # Okrestnosti of Moscovia (Mosco)
if ($a = 4) goto bb # Audmra GrassLand (Ice)
# $a = ".*" = The price you want to sell
pause 2
# Cancel the deal if the gained zeny != the price you sell
do deal no
pause 1
do deal
pause 1
do deal
#Cancel the deal in 10 seconds if the buyer no action after put on the zeny
pause 10
do deal no
automacro e {
console /You gained (.*) zeny./
call {
lock b
lock d
do chat leave
do e no1
$a = $.lastMatch1
if ($a = 2,000) goto a1
if ($a = 2,500) goto b2
if ($a = 3,000) goto c3
if ($a = 3,500) goto d4
#$a = ".*" = The price you want to sell
call warp1
call warp2
call warp3
call warp4
release all
macro warp1 {
do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE "A-2000 \n"; close FILE;
# The record will record airplane's operation condition,this is the warp opint one -> A
# And so no B, C, D...
$aa1 = @Invamount (Blue Gemstone)
# Check the number of the bluestone "before" warp
$x = @arg("$.pos", 1)
$y = @arg("$.pos", 2)
$x0 = @eval($x + @rand(1,3))
$x1 = @eval($x - @rand(1,3))
$y0 = @eval($y - @rand(1,3))
do sl 27 @random("$x0", "$x1") $y0
pause 2
do warp map a
# map a = The map name
pause 2
$aa2 = @Invamount (Blue Gemstone)
# Check the number of the bluestone "after" warp
if ($aa1 == $aa2) goto ax
# If the number of bluestone before warp match that of after warp then regarding as failed, goto :ax
do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE "A-2000 (Failed) \n"; close FILE;
# If failed to open the warp,it will print "A-2000 (Failed)" ,that you will know maybe you should change the position
# And so no B, C, D...
pause 1
do e hmm
# do c Failed to open
# do c Just try again
call axx
# Run macro axx
macro axx {
call warp1
# Run macro warp1
# And so on..
macro warp2 {
do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE "B-2500 \n"; close FILE;
$bb1 = @Invamount (Blue Gemstone)
$x = @arg("$.pos", 1)
$y = @arg("$.pos", 2)
$x0 = @eval($x + @rand(1,3))
$x1 = @eval($x - @rand(1,3))
$y0 = @eval($y - @rand(1,3))
do sl 27 @random("$x0", "$x1") $y0
pause 2
do warp map b
# map b = The map name
pause 2
$bb2 = @Invamount (Blue Gemstone)
if ($bb1 == $bb2) goto bx
do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE "B-2500 (Failed) \n"; close FILE;
pause 1
do e hmm
# do c Failed to open
# do c Just try again
call bxx
macro bxx {
call warp2
macro warp3 {
do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE "C-3000 \n"; close FILE;
$cc1 = @Invamount (Blue Gemstone)
$x = @arg("$.pos", 1)
$y = @arg("$.pos", 2)
$x0 = @eval($x + @rand(1,3))
$x1 = @eval($x - @rand(1,3))
$y0 = @eval($y - @rand(1,3))
do sl 27 @random("$x0", "$x1") $y0
pause 2
do warp map c
# map c = The map name
pause 2
$cc2 = @Invamount (Blue Gemstone)
if ($cc1 == $cc2) goto cx
do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE "C-3000 (Failed) \n"; close FILE;
pause 1
do e hmm
# do c Failed to open
# do c Just try again
call cxx
macro cxx {
call warp3
macro dd4 {
do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE "D-3000 \n"; close FILE;
$dd1 = @Invamount (Blue Gemstone)
$x = @arg("$.pos", 1)
$y = @arg("$.pos", 2)
$x0 = @eval($x + @rand(1,3))
$x1 = @eval($x - @rand(1,3))
$y0 = @eval($y - @rand(1,3))
do sl 27 @random("$x0", "$x1") $y0
pause 2
do warp map d
# map d = The map name
pause 2
$cc2 = @Invamount (Blue Gemstone)
if ($dd1 == $cc2) goto dx
do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE "D-3000 (Failed) \n"; close FILE;
pause 2
do e hmm
# do c Failed to open
# do c Just try again
call dxx
macro dxx {
call warp4
automacro f {
console /You opened Warp Portal on \((.*), (.*)\)/
call {
do eval open(FILE, ">>", Settings::getControlFilename("recorder.txt")); print FILE "-------------- \n"; close FILE;
do c Good Luck!
if (@invamount (Blue Gemstone) == 0) goto qk
pause 3
do chat create "S>A-2K|B-2.5K|C-3K|D-3.5K" 2 0 787878
release b
release d
pause 3
do sit
lock a
lock b
lock c
lock d
lock e
lock f
do sit
automacro debugA {
console /(.*) \((\d+)\): You gained (.*) zeny./i
priority 1
call {
$i = $.lastMatch2
if ("$i" != "") goto ok
release all
automacro debugB {
console /(From: (.*)) : You gained (.*) zeny./i
priority 1
call {
$i = $.lastMatch2
if ("$i" != "") goto ok
release all
macros warper is are OK!
script sell warper :
automacro one {
console /You are sitting./i
call {
do chat create "S > warp portal Serivce 24hours!" 2 0 1111
automacro two {
console /(.*?) .*? requests a deal/i
call {
do pm "$.lastMatch1" Warp to city Prontera - deal 1500z
do pm "$.lastMatch1" Warp to city Geffen - deal 2000z
automacro three {
console /You gained 1,500 zeny./i
call {
do chat leave
pause 1
do e heh
do c @random ("Warp portal ifor prontera!, warp portal for prontera!, thanks...","Warp prontera is open, 30 second warp portal will be close...","You pay me, i help you warp, just follow the prize...")
do sl 27 172 99
pause 2
do warp prontera
automacro four {
console /You gained 2,000 zeny./i
call {
do chat leave
pause 1
do e gg
do c @random ("Warp portal ke GEFFEN!, warp portal ke GEFFEN!,thank you...","Geffen warp is ready to open, enjoy the game...")
do sl 27 168 99
pause 2
do warp geffen
WARPER SELLER - BY Angelo Chua -
I have been Looking for this Kind of configuration, yes a Warp Selling bot... this bot config helps in either Warp Selling or WOE warper although you have to configure it so that it would be a warper for WOE by just PM'ing the bot player.Please Follow the Steps below if you want to have a configuration for it
Step 1: Download the 2 Files from here is the
Macro File and .pl(RAR FILE
Step 2: Extract the Rar file of the Macro(folder) and the to the root of your openkore folder. Create a folder named "plugins" and in that folder... create another folder named macro... after creating the macro folder, put the extracted files the "macro(folder) and the in it.
Step 3: open the macros.txt that you downloaded and edit some details. example is shown below with some notes Please Read carefully
###if you want to change the Location of the warps you have, change the
###amount together with the map name, I configured mine to be arranged
###as follows for the ###bot to follow it in my in-game memorized
###TO BE CLEAR, change the ice - deal 1,000z and other instructions
###to the map you prefer
###The bot will automatically warp to the map EQUAL to the amount
###that has been gained
###NOTE: You must set your dealauto in your config.txt to 2 or 1 either
### way works.
automacro chat {
console /You are sitting./i
call {
do chat create "|Ice1k|Mosco2k|Thor5k|+buffs na!!!"
###the instruction above makes the bot create a chatroom with the title,
### EDIT this as you NEED it to be
automacro antiblock {
console /lale .*? requests a deal/i
call {
do deal no
pause 1
automacro pm {
console /(.*?) .*? requests a deal/i
call {
do pm "$.lastMatch1" Ice - deal 1,000z
do pm "$.lastMatch1" Mosco - deal 2,000z
do pm "$.lastMatch1" Thor - deal 5,000z
automacro Ice {
console /You gained 1,000 zeny./i
exclusive 1
call {
do chat leave
do stand
pause 1
do sp 34 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do c Arigato Gozaimasu| This warp is to IceDun
pause 1
do sl 27 @random ("128 59","129 58","128 60","128 62")
pause 1
do warp 1
do sp 29 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do sp 28 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do e thx
pause 1
automacro Mosco {
console /You gained 2,000 zeny./i
exclusive 1
call {
do chat leave
do stand
pause 1
do sp 34 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do c Arigato Gozaimasu| This warp is to Mosco
pause 2
do sl 27 @random ("128 59","129 58","128 60","128 62")
pause 2
do warp 2
do sp 29 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do sp 28 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do e thx
pause 1
automacro Thor {
console /You gained 5,000 zeny./i
exclusive 1
call {
do chat leave
do stand
pause 1
do sp 34 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do c Domo Arigato Gozaimasu| This warp is to Thor
pause 1
do sl 27 @random ("128 59","129 58","128 60","128 62")
pause 1
do warp 3
do sp 29 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do sp 28 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do e thx
pause 1
Step 4: Put the macro.txt which you had editted into the control folder together with the config.txt etc.
Step 5: Enjoy Warp selling
Another Note, the "do sl 27 @random ("128 59","129 58","128 60","128 62")" indicates that the bot will cast the warp portal on the written coordinates... please be informed that you must save a lockmap in the map and correct these indications or else the bot warp will walk to the ("128 59","129 58","128 60","128 62")" RANDOMLY....
This config its not mine....And I'm not the speaker in here.....