Macro ตั้งร้าน เพื่อที่จะได้ไม่ต้องมานั่งเปิดปิด บอทอาวของเข้าตัวหรือรถเข็น
in shop.txt
- แก้ตามใจชอบ ใส่ราคาของให้เหมื่อนจิงทุกอย่าง
in config.txt
attackAuto 0
route_randomWalk 0
lockmap morocc
lockmap_x 160
lockmap_y 100
itemGatherAuto 0
itemTakeAuto 0
shopAuto_open 1
macro_orphans terminate
storageAuto_password ####
in timeout.txt
macro_delay 2
in macro.txt
#### after run OpenKore via file "Start.exe" ####
#### type "macro start" in openKore's console to activate macro ####
### the Vending Action ###
macro vend {
do closeshop
log Re Stocking Goods.
do stand
pause 5
do openshop
pause 2
do sit
### Auto Refill Condition ###
##### First Section - Unstackable Rare , no refill from Kapra ##### ***********************
automacro SoldShoes {
shop "Shoes [1]" = 1
cart "Shoes [1]" > 0
call vend
timeout 20
automacro SoldBoots {
shop "Boots [1]" = 1
cart "Boots [1]" > 0
call vend
timeout 20
##### Second Section - Stackable Good ##### ****************************************
automacro outShoes {
cart "Shoes [1]" = 0
shop "Shoes [1]" = 1
call refillShoes
timeout 20
macro refillShoes {
$good = Shoes [1]
log $good in shop in car 0 ea!!
do closeshop
do bingbing
do move 212 104 louyang
do talknpc 210 104 c r1 n
log Grabbing $good from Kapra
do storage get @storage (Shoes [1]) 1
do cart add @inventory ($good) 1
do storage close
do move 213 104 louyang
do relog 3
#do openshop
#log refilling Done
สังเกตดูในฟังชั่นefillShoes จะมีการ Relog เพื่อ ให้เห็น item ที่ลงในรถเข็นว่าเป็น item ที่ส่องแล้ว
ผลของ Macro ตัวนี้
เช็คitemที่เราจะตั้งขายว่าเหลือกี่ชิ้น ถ้า = 0 ชิ้นในร้าน และยังมีเหลือ item > 0 ในรถเข็น
ถ้าตรงตามเงื่อนไข ปิดร้าน และตั้งร้านใหม่ ทันที
แต่ถ้า เช็คitemที่เราจะตั้งขายว่าเหลือกี่ชิ้น ถ้า = 0 ชิ้นในร้าน และ item = 0 ในรถเข็น
จะทำการปิดร้าน เดินไปที่ตำแหน่งที่กำหนด คุย Npc เพื่อเปิดสโต หยิบชู[] 1 คู่นำชูเข้ารถเข็นปิด สโต Relog 3 วินาที
แก้ไข้ ตรงตรวจสอบ ของในร้านให้เปง 1 นะ บางที่ถ้าเปง 0 บอทอาจจะไม่ทำงาน
automacro checkshop {
location prontera
soldout >= 3
delay 60
call reopenshop
macro reopenshop {
do closeshop
Plugin and Macro to forgers (Blacksmith) - by HerrSchafer
Friends:After some time scratching their heads with the 093 version, I decided to migrate to CVS and what was my surprise to me to identify solutions and achieve much more easily.
I posted a macro in this old version, in order to automatically refine the ores and rocks obtained, but after some updates Kore, the plugin itself "" has led to incompatibilities. But this is past.
I present here my first experience relevant to the new version of Macro Plugin:
What does it do?
Forge iron, steel, star fragment and the four elementals. In addition, it checks for sufficient furnaces, buying the necessary if not;
How does she do that?
Using the plugin that comes along with others in the package of plugins available on the updated link. However, my colleagues want to apologize alchemists: the plugin serves you well, but my macro only meets the Smiths, I must confess I do not understand and would not test the version for Alchemists, but I believe that few changes are necessary;
What limitations?
* The macro is very specific: Pure forgers! Thinking about the characteristics of these characters, I developed a macro in order to use the cart and not the inventory, because the character very easily overwhelm.
* As was done, it fires when you're on Geffen with more than 50 iron ore and coal more than 5 or some elemntal to be forged. Then it will drop what you're doing and go to the refinery Geffen, where he can buy the furnaces.
How to use?
1) Change your items_control so that all the materials involved are sent to the stand, keeping any inventory. The items are:
* Iron Ore
* Iron
* Coal
* Red Blood
* Crystal Blue
* Live Green
* Wind of Verdure
* Mini Furnace
1a) If nothing is changed in items_control, the forged items will all be stored in Kafra when he goes to visit her, this is my case. The macro only moves the anchors for the cart to the manufacturing process of steel, but all other items remain in inventory.
2) Again we enter the personal question: I have some equips that increase the chances of success in the pipeline, in my version, I equip these items before you begin to forge, as well as ask for buffs Slave Sacer. The "Equips to Forge" (as I call them) are very different from equips you use to level;
Observation: It was not included in the code these parts
3) Drop the bot that refining 1 ton of ore and voila!
I'll explain what makes the macro step by step:
a) goes to the refinery geffen;
b) checks and forging the elements if any, in this order: iron, steel, fragment, Flame Heart, Mystic Ice, Nature Grandiose and Rough Wind, if there is one type of ore, it passes to the next.
note: in case of steel, we depend on a certain amount of iron, it only refine what is possible with the existing anchors.
c) checks if there is sufficient furnaces; first uses that may exist in the cart, then buy lots of 20 furnace every time they run out during the process.
d) displays the report of what is in inventory and exit the macro.
Here's the code:
#================================================= ========================
# Forge Iron, Steel, Fragments and Elementals
Purchase lots # 20 furnaces and uses the card
# Do not run if the balance is less than 20k.
# By Klaus Schäfer
#================================================= ========================
automacro smith {
location geffen
zeny > 20000
cart "Iron Ore" > 50
cart "Coal" > 5, "Red Blood" > 10, "Green Live" > 10, "Star Dust" > 10, "Wind of Verdure" > 10, "Crystal Blue" > 10
call forge
macro forge {
do move 102 166 geffen_in
do sit
do p bless
pause 1
if (@cartamount (Iron Ore) = 0) goto steel
while (@cartamount (Iron Ore) > 0) as frgirn
if (@cartamount (Mini Furnace) > 1) goto ironloop
do talk @npc (110 172)
pause 2
do talk resp 1
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk num 20
pause 1
do cart add @inventory (Mini Furnace)
do cart add @inventory (Iron Ore)
do cart get @cart (Iron Ore) 1
do cart get @cart (Mini Furnace) 1
do forge 0
pause 1
end frgirn
do cart add @inventory (Iron)
if (@cartamount (Coal) = 0) goto crumb
while (@cartamount (Coal) > 0) as frgstl
if (@cartamount (Iron) < 5) goto crumb
if (@cartamount (Mini Furnace) > 1) goto steelloop
do talk @npc (110 172)
pause 2
do talk resp 1
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk num 20
pause 1
do cart add @inventory (Mini Furnace)
do cart add @inventory (Iron)
do cart add @inventory (Coal)
do cart get @cart (Iron) 5
do cart get @cart (Coal) 1
do cart get @cart (Mini Furnace) 1
do forge 1
pause 1
end frgstl
if (@cartamount (Star Dust) < 10) goto heart
while (@cartamount (Star Dust) > 9) as frgcrb
if (@cartamount (Mini Furnace) > 0) goto crumbloop
do talk @npc (110 172)
pause 2
do talk resp 1
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk num 20
pause 1
do cart add @inventory (Mini Furnace)
do cart add @inventory (Star Dust)
do cart get @cart (Mini Furnace) 1
do cart get @cart (Star Dust) 10
do forge 2
pause 2
end frgcrb
if (@cartamount (Red Blood) < 10) goto frozen
while (@cartamount (Red Blood) > 9) as frghrt
if (@cartamount (Mini Furnace) > 0) goto heartloop
do talk @npc (110 172)
pause 2
do talk resp 1
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk num 20
pause 1
do cart add @inventory (Mini Furnace)
do cart add @inventory (Red Blood)
do cart get @cart (Mini Furnace) 1
do cart get @cart (Red Blood) 10
do forge 3
pause 1
end frghrt
if (@cartamount (Crystal Blue) < 10) goto nature
while (@cartamount (Crystal Blue) > 9) as frgnat
if (@cartamount (Mini Furnace) > 0) goto frozenloop
do talk @npc (110 172)
pause 2
do talk resp 1
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk num 20
pause 1
do cart add @inventory (Mini Furnace)
do cart add @inventory (Crystal Blue)
do cart get @cart (Mini Furnace) 1
do cart get @cart (Crystal Blue) 10
do forge 4
pause 1
end frgnat
if (@cartamount (Green Live) < 10) goto wind
while (@cartamount (Green Live) > 9) as frgnat
if (@cartamount (Mini Furnace) > 0) goto natloop
do talk @npc (110 172)
pause 2
do talk resp 1
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk num 20
pause 1
do cart add @inventory (Mini Furnace)
do cart add @inventory (Green Live)
do cart get @cart (Mini Furnace) 1
do cart get @cart (Green Live) 10
do forge 5
pause 1
end frgnat
if (@cartamount (Wind of Verdure) < 10) goto endforge
while (@cartamount (Wind of Verdure) > 9) as frgwnd
if (@cartamount (Mini Furnace) > 0) goto windloop
do talk @npc (110 172)
pause 2
do talk resp 1
pause 2
do talk resp 0
pause 2
do talk num 20
pause 1
do cart add @inventory (Mini Furnace)
do cart add @inventory (Wind of Verdure)
do cart get @cart (Mini Furnace) 1
do cart get @cart (Wind of Verdure) 10
do forge 6
pause 1
end frgwnd
do stand
log ===============================================
log Forge Finished
log ===============================================
log Iron: @cartamount (Iron)
log Steel: @invamount (Steel)
log Star Crumb: @invamount (Star Crumb)
log Flame Heart: @invamount (Flame Heart)
log Mystic Frozen: @invamount (Mystic Frozen)
log Great Nature: @invamount (Great Nature)
log Rough Wind: @invamount (Rough Wind)
log Mini Furnace: @cartamount (Mini Furnace)
log ===============================================
Today I spent about 700k of minerals and elemental to test this macro, I went to Prontera, bought what I needed and the macro shot. It worked perfectly.
Do not worry about the problem of super-speed that has the plugin would type: 0 forge all by example. I scheduled events between one another and forge and velociade is exactly the same as a normal player "spamming" furnaces with the / bm.
So guys, get the packages ... but my blacksmith not want to do anything! ja alterei a macro assim already changed the macro so
##### Blacksmith Forging #####
# Flame Heart = 8e 01 e2 03 00 00 00 00 00 00
# Mystic Frozen = 8e 01 e3 03 00 00 00 00 00 00
# Rough Wind = 8e 01 e4 03 00 00 00 00 00 00
# Great Nature = 8e 01 e5 03 00 00 00 00 00 00
# Iron = 8e 01 e6 03 00 00 00 00 00 00
# steel = 8e 01 e7 03 00 00 00 00 00 00
# Star Crumb = 8e 01 e8 03 00 00 00 00 00 00
automacro FORGER {
sp > 50
status not Owg 50%
inventory "Emperium Anvil" > 0
inventory "Mini Furnace" > 0
inventory "Iron Ore" > 0
timeout 1.5
run-once 1
call {
do ss 94 2
pause 0.5
do send 8E 01 E6 03 00 00 00 00 00 00
pause 0.5
release FORGER
for items you do not use skill, do you use mini furnace will be something like so in command
do is @inventory (Mini-Fornalha)
do send 8e 01 e7 03 00 00 00 00 00 00
the item name eh according to your oq ta kore, the example used above this q in Portuguese because I do not know his name in English
if you manage a good light, I would be grateful ^ ^
Hope that helps!
I await comments!
- Edit -
* Fixed the part of the report.
* Fixed small bug where it was stopped existing after finishing the pipeline.
* You can use the card to 7500 of weight that he can still forge the items.
*** OpenKore 1.9.1 (SVN version) - Custom Ragnarok Online client ***
*** Macro plugin - CVS Version 10.1 or higher ***
macro BuyHammer {
$Count = 1
while ($Count <= 200) as exampleloop
do talk @npc (110 172)
pause 2
do talk resp 1
pause 2
do talk resp 3
end exampleloop
Grape Juice Quest
Note: Copy Macro ใส่ “macro.txt” in your config folder and don’t forget to remove the brackets like “[....]” coz its not have any containt for the macro…
automacro initializeshop {
run-once 1
location payon
call openshop
macro openshop {
do openshop
[I've tried many things to try to get this automacro to work, as you can see, but I want it to initialize moveit macro when my shop sells out, or I simply have no grape juice left in my card or in my shop]
automacro startgj {
cart “grape juice” == 0
shop “grape juice” == 0
soldout == 1
call moveit
this is my main driver for the macro, it works flawlessly until I reach the actual grape juice quest where on occasion it fails to deposit 2000 grape juice from inventory to cart, although when I retested the macro changing the quantities of grapes and empty bottles taken at a time to be made to 5, it worked100% of the time, a strange bug
macro moveit {
$vendspot = $.pos [not used idk why i still have it there]
do move 148 212 payon
do talk @npc (147 212)
do store
do store
do buy 11 6000
[buys 6000 grapes]
do move 163 213 payon
do talk @npc (164 213)
pause 2
do talk resp 1
do storage add @inventory (grape) @eval (@invamount (grape) – 2000)
[stores all but 2000 grapes to avoid overweight later on]
do move 163 216 payon
do talk @npc (164 216)
pause 2
do talk resp 1
[warp npc to alberta]
do move 98 40 alberta
do talk @npc (97 40)
do store
do store
do buy 1 2000
do talk @npc (101 47)
pause 2
pause 2
do talk resp 1
do storage add @inventory (empty bottle) 2000
do talk @npc (97 40)
do store
do store
do buy 1 2000
do talk @npc (101 47)
pause 2
pause 2
do talk resp 1
do storage add @inventory (empty bottle) 2000
do talk @npc (97 40)
do store
do store
do buy 1 2000
[has to store bottles in quantities of 2000 to stay under weight limit]
do move 111 129 alberta
do talk @npc (110 129)
pause 2
pause 2
do talk resp 2
pause 2
do talk resp 2
[grape juice quest]
do move 181 143 payon_in03
pause 3
do talk @npc (188 146)
pause 2
do talk resp 0
do talk resp 3
do talk resp 0
pause 2
pause 2
do cart add @inventory (grape juice) 2000
do cart add @inventory (grape juice) 2000
do move 138 321 payon
pause 3
do talk @npc (137 321)
pause 2
do talk resp 1
do storage get empty bottle 2000
do storage get grape 2000
do move 181 143 payon_in03
pause 3
do talk @npc (188 146)
pause 2
do talk resp 0
do talk resp 3
do talk resp 0
pause 2
pause 2
do cart add @inventory (grape juice) 2000
do cart add @inventory (grape juice) 2000
do move 138 321 payon
pause 3
do talk @npc (137 321)
pause 2
do talk resp 1
do storage get empty bottle 2000
do storage get grape 2000
do move 181 143 payon_in03
pause 3
do talk @npc (188 146)
pause 2
do talk resp 0
do talk resp 3
do talk resp 0
pause 2
pause 2
do cart add @inventory (grape juice) 2000
do cart add @inventory (grape juice) 2000
do move 162 209 payon
pause 5
do openshop
Macros repair item
in ...\control\config.txtCode:
# [<upgrade level>] [<item name>] [<card name>*<number>] [<number of slots>]
# Ex. Helmeq = +9 Fairyhat [Kiel-D-01] [1]
Helmeq =
Armoreq =
Ringhandeq =
Lefthandeq =
NpcMap = alberta #EX. alberta
MoveToNpc = 111 222 #move to npc EX. 111 222
NpcPoint = 110 220 #npc location EX. 110 220
TalkNpcStep = c c c c c c #Step to talk Npc EX. c c r1 c n
SpawnToRepair = 1 # 0 = No use spawn to town /1 = Use spawn to town
# Ex. Helmeq = +9 Fairyhat [Kiel-D-01] [1]
Helmeq =
Armoreq =
Ringhandeq =
Lefthandeq =
NpcMap = alberta #EX. alberta
MoveToNpc = 111 222 #move to npc EX. 111 222
NpcPoint = 110 220 #npc location EX. 110 220
TalkNpcStep = c c c c c c #Step to talk Npc EX. c c r1 c n
SpawnToRepair = 1 # 0 = No use spawn to town /1 = Use spawn to town
in ...\control\macros.txt
automacro Helmeq {
equipped topHead none
exclusive 1
run-once 1
call {
$heq = @eval($::config{Helmeq})
$heqn = @inventory ($heq)
$heqb = @inventory (BROKEN $heq)
if ($heqb = 1) goto repair
$npcmap = @eval($::config{NpcMap})
$movenpc = @eval($::config{MoveToNpc})
$locationnpc = @eval($::config{NpcPoint})
$talkstep = @eval($::config{TalkNpcStep})
$spawnr = @eval($::config{SpawnToRepair})
if ($spawnr = 0) goto startrepair
if ($spawnr = 1) goto spawn
do respawn
goto startrepair
do move $movenpc $npcmap
do talknpc $locationnpc $talkstep
if ($heqn = 1) goto eqhelm
do eq $heqn
automacro Armoreq {
equipped armor none
exclusive 1
run-once 1
call {
$aeq = @eval($::config{Armoreq})
$aeqn = @inventory ($aeq)
$aeqb = @inventory (BROKEN $aeq)
if ($aeqb = 1) goto repair
$npcmap = @eval($::config{NpcMap})
$movenpc = @eval($::config{MoveToNpc})
$locationnpc = @eval($::config{NpcPoint})
$talkstep = @eval($::config{TalkNpcStep})
$spawnr = @eval($::config{SpawnToRepair})
if ($spawnr = 0) goto startrepair
if ($spawnr = 1) goto spawn
do respawn
goto startrepair
do move $movenpc $npcmap
do talknpc $locationnpc $talkstep
if ($aeqn = 1) goto eqarmor
do eq $aeqn
automacro Righteq {
equipped rightHand none
exclusive 1
run-once 1
call {
$req = @eval($::config{Ringhandeq})
$reqn = @inventory ($req)
$reqb = @inventory (BROKEN $req)
if ($reqb = 1) goto repair
$npcmap = @eval($::config{NpcMap})
$movenpc = @eval($::config{MoveToNpc})
$locationnpc = @eval($::config{NpcPoint})
$talkstep = @eval($::config{TalkNpcStep})
$spawnr = @eval($::config{SpawnToRepair})
if ($spawnr = 0) goto startrepair
if ($spawnr = 1) goto spawn
do respawn
goto startrepair
do move $movenpc $npcmap
do talknpc $locationnpc $talkstep
if ($reqn = 1) goto eqright
do eq $reqn
automacro Lefteq {
equipped leftHand none
exclusive 1
run-once 1
call {
$leq = @eval($::config{Lefthandeq})
$leqn = @inventory ($leq)
$leqb = @inventory (BROKEN $leq)
if ($leqb = 1) goto repair
$npcmap = @eval($::config{NpcMap})
$movenpc = @eval($::config{MoveToNpc})
$locationnpc = @eval($::config{NpcPoint})
$talkstep = @eval($::config{TalkNpcStep})
$spawnr = @eval($::config{SpawnToRepair})
if ($spawnr = 0) goto startrepair
if ($spawnr = 1) goto spawn
do respawn
goto startrepair
do move $movenpc $npcmap
do talknpc $locationnpc $talkstep
if ($leqn = 1) goto eqleft
do eq $leqn
equipped topHead none
exclusive 1
run-once 1
call {
$heq = @eval($::config{Helmeq})
$heqn = @inventory ($heq)
$heqb = @inventory (BROKEN $heq)
if ($heqb = 1) goto repair
$npcmap = @eval($::config{NpcMap})
$movenpc = @eval($::config{MoveToNpc})
$locationnpc = @eval($::config{NpcPoint})
$talkstep = @eval($::config{TalkNpcStep})
$spawnr = @eval($::config{SpawnToRepair})
if ($spawnr = 0) goto startrepair
if ($spawnr = 1) goto spawn
do respawn
goto startrepair
do move $movenpc $npcmap
do talknpc $locationnpc $talkstep
if ($heqn = 1) goto eqhelm
do eq $heqn
automacro Armoreq {
equipped armor none
exclusive 1
run-once 1
call {
$aeq = @eval($::config{Armoreq})
$aeqn = @inventory ($aeq)
$aeqb = @inventory (BROKEN $aeq)
if ($aeqb = 1) goto repair
$npcmap = @eval($::config{NpcMap})
$movenpc = @eval($::config{MoveToNpc})
$locationnpc = @eval($::config{NpcPoint})
$talkstep = @eval($::config{TalkNpcStep})
$spawnr = @eval($::config{SpawnToRepair})
if ($spawnr = 0) goto startrepair
if ($spawnr = 1) goto spawn
do respawn
goto startrepair
do move $movenpc $npcmap
do talknpc $locationnpc $talkstep
if ($aeqn = 1) goto eqarmor
do eq $aeqn
automacro Righteq {
equipped rightHand none
exclusive 1
run-once 1
call {
$req = @eval($::config{Ringhandeq})
$reqn = @inventory ($req)
$reqb = @inventory (BROKEN $req)
if ($reqb = 1) goto repair
$npcmap = @eval($::config{NpcMap})
$movenpc = @eval($::config{MoveToNpc})
$locationnpc = @eval($::config{NpcPoint})
$talkstep = @eval($::config{TalkNpcStep})
$spawnr = @eval($::config{SpawnToRepair})
if ($spawnr = 0) goto startrepair
if ($spawnr = 1) goto spawn
do respawn
goto startrepair
do move $movenpc $npcmap
do talknpc $locationnpc $talkstep
if ($reqn = 1) goto eqright
do eq $reqn
automacro Lefteq {
equipped leftHand none
exclusive 1
run-once 1
call {
$leq = @eval($::config{Lefthandeq})
$leqn = @inventory ($leq)
$leqb = @inventory (BROKEN $leq)
if ($leqb = 1) goto repair
$npcmap = @eval($::config{NpcMap})
$movenpc = @eval($::config{MoveToNpc})
$locationnpc = @eval($::config{NpcPoint})
$talkstep = @eval($::config{TalkNpcStep})
$spawnr = @eval($::config{SpawnToRepair})
if ($spawnr = 0) goto startrepair
if ($spawnr = 1) goto spawn
do respawn
goto startrepair
do move $movenpc $npcmap
do talknpc $locationnpc $talkstep
if ($leqn = 1) goto eqleft
do eq $leqn